Friar Venture

Friar Venture is an investment fund to accelerate growth in tech companies in Telemark and Vestfold. The investment mandate is flexible in terms of company size, technology and industry. Only companies with a head office address in Telemark and Vestfold are of relevance. Friar Venture has been established to meet the need for risk capital in the region, which has historically been a challenge for many growth companies. The establishment of the fund represents an important step in strengthening innovation og ventures in Telemark and Vestfold.

The fund is managed by Skagerak Capital with Espen Kjeldsen as responsible partner. The goal is to offer the necessary support and funding to local businesses that want to expand and grow.

Espen Kjeldsen
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and fits under Friar Venture? We’d love to hear from you.
Hot off the press
Friar Venture
Friar Venture launched

Friar Venture is an investment fund to accelerate growth in tech companies in Telemark and Vestfold. The investment mandate is flexible in terms of company size, technology and industry. The establishment of the fund represents an important step in strengthening innovation and ventures in Telemark and Vestfold.

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