Tunable's digital nose will transform marine emissions monitoring and reduce food waste

Container vessels traverse our vast oceans, and from them, we often observe thick plumes of smoke. What exactly comprises this smoke, and in what amounts? Where traditional methods hesitated, Tunable, one of our portfolio companies, provides an answer.

Tunable has pioneered the first digital nose —an innovation designed to perform unfazed by heat, vibrations, and soot. It delves into the core of marine emissions, producing precise digital data and doing so without the need for expensive maintenance.

Much like how astronomers use spectroscopy to probe the mysteries of distant celestial bodies, Tunable applies this optical method on a much smaller scale. When light waves are beamed through fumes, each gas molecule resonates uniquely within the infrared spectrum. This permits Tunable's sensor to discern these gases and even detect subtle variations in their concentrations. Such precision holds vast implications: from ascertaining the freshness of diary produce—playing a significant role in reducing food wastage—to quantifying greenhouse gasses emitted from ships.

Terje Berg-Utby, our Partner, notes, "As we navigate an era influenced by AI, Tunable stands as a beacon of precision and innovation. Their technology provides unparalleled data for analyzing fumes and unlocking known and unknown gas fingerprints by replicating the sense of smell.“ 

Their emergence aligns seamlessly with the European Union's 2024 mandate for comprehensive marine emission monitoring. 

Beyond the maritime sphere, the applications for Tunable's sensor are boundless. Consider the convenience it offers logistics professionals, controlling the ripeness and fungus of fruits within a container, thus aiding in the fight against food waste. In the realm of shipping decarbonization, it helps ship owners operating at lowest possible GHG footprint. At the core of these capabilities? Advanced algorithms that transmute raw

data into insightful, actionable intelligence.

Kristian Hovet, CEO of Tunable, compare their technology to molecular vision. The Tunable techology makes molecules floating in fumes visible and collectible. This unlocks a world of unexplored applications; we call it the “new dimension of the information universe”.

While the technology behind it is advanced, involving ambient air, infrared light, and an optical microchip, the outcome is clear: a deeper understanding of our environment. Tunable promises a future where our interaction with the environment, from the air we breathe to the food we consume, is both informed and conscious.